CIAC, Honorary global advisors for education & academics primarily offer their honorary services as expert advisors, reviewers and observers for quality assurance benchmarking for institutions willing to get them recognized for QA certification of accreditation & QA rating services being offered by CIAC, Global.

Dr. R. K. Lalwani
(Vice Chancellor, ICFAI University)

He has been working in many Indian Institutes of Technical education. He has published 3 books, many Memo-graphs, and research papers. He is a life member of the Indian Society for Technical Education and Fellow of the Institute of Engineers (India), Member of international NFPA-USA. He has been the Director of Institute of Business Management& Research (IBMR), Indore from 1998 to 1999. From 2009 to 2011, he was Professor of Mechanical engineering at the University Of Malaya a top Malaysian and among the top 180 universities of the world. In June 2011, he joined as Dean Selaqui Academy of Higher Learning, Dehradun, India. In 2012, he joined DBIT As its Director. On December 13, 2012, he joined IITT COE POJEWAL as its Principal. In 2013, Dr. Lalwani joined IEC University, Baddi as Pro-Vice Chancellor. In 2014, he joined University of Petroleum and Energy Studies as Distinguished Professor.

Dr. Anand k. Joshi
Vice Chancellor at ‘CMR University’
M.Com. LL.B, MBA (HRM), Ph.D (Management)

Dr. Joshi, with M.Com. LL.B, MBA (HRM), Ph.D. (Management) has got 25 years of Academic and Administrative Experience and is currently the Vice Chancellor at ‘CMR University’, a Multi-campus, Multi-faculty University established under an act of state in Karnataka, India.
His work experience in Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), National Council for Teachers Education (NCTE), and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India and Welingkar B-School gave him a wide & in-depth knowledge about the various forms of education. Being an Accredited Management Teacher, he taught in reputed institutes like ICAI, ICSI, ICWAI and many other institutions. Dr. Joshi is special invitee to the committee constituted by Government of Kerala to study the feasibility to establish Private Universities in Kerala.

High Prince Dr. Leye Talpha Babalola
Chartered Tax Practitioners

High Prince of Oke – Ogun and Oyo Empire in Oyo State of Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Fellow of Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (1999);
Doctorate in Taxation from Triune University Washington U.S.A (2009);
Fellow of Institute of Company and Commercial Accountants of Nigeria. (2002);
Master of Business Administration from Triune University U.S.A (2007);
Fellow Institute of Payroll Administration (2009);
Fellow Chartered Association of International Accountants (2009);
Member of Institute of Management Consultant of Nigeria (1998);
Associates of Certified Public Accountant (2001);
Associates of Institute of Cost Management of Nigeria (2003);
Diplomate Level in Computer and Professional Manager of Triune Professional Association U.S.A, (2012);
Certificate of Professional Practice by ICCA (2002)
The Most Accountable Tax Consultant for the year 2003/2004 of ICCA;
President/Chairman of Council of Institute of Company and Commercial Accountants 2009;
Fellow of Certified Financial Accountants of The Society of Accounting Education – Lahone Pakistan

Prof. Dr. A. Lakshminath
Chancellor, D. S. National Law University, Visakhapatnam
Pro-Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor, Chanakya National Law University, Patna

Prof. Dr. A. Lakshminath, Chancellor, D. S. National Law University, Visakhapatnam and Pro-Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor, Chanakya National Law University, Patna, former Dean and Registrar, NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad is an academic in the field of law for Forty eight years and has done substantial research in the areas of Constitutional Law, Jurisprudence and Human Rights. He has authored fifteen books and one hundred forty articles. He is fellow of Salzburg Seminar, Austria and Fulbright Visiting Professor at the University of Massachusetts, U.S.A. He visited Austria, Canada, Germany, Japan, Poland, U.K. and U.S.A. on academic assignments. He has successfully guided eighty seven scholars out of whom, eighty four were awarded Ph.D. degrees in law and nine were awarded LL.D. degrees. He was Chief Co-coordinator and Senior Consultant in World Bank, National and State sponsored projects. Recipient of Life Time Achievement Award by International Association USA, 2007 and Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Education Award, 2008 for his outstanding contributions. He was the nominated Governor on the Board of Governors of Doon School, Dehradun. He was Awarded Best Law Teacher Award for SAARC countries – 2012. He was also awarded National Education Awards for outstanding contribution to education. He is also Member, Governing Council, Executive Committee, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi. He is Member, Bihar State Law Commission, and Patna.

Prof. Mazoorahmad
Eminent educationist and administrator,
Former Vice -Chancellor of Agra University,

Eminent educationist and administrator Prof. Manzoor Ahmad, IPS (Retired) has been elected New Chairman of Human Welfare Foundation on Sunday, 23rd August 2015.
Prof. Manzoor Ahmed, born in 1942 in Bihar, did his graduation (Hons. with distinction) in 1961 from Bihar University. He did his post-graduation in Political Science in 1963 from Patna University and served as Lecturer in Political Science in Bihar University (1964) and Magadh University (1964-66). He was selected in IPS in 1966 and served as Police Officer in various capacities covering length and breadth of U.P. till he became DIG CID (UP). He was handpicked by the Govt. of India as Officer on Special Duty (OSD) for Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi from 1985-88 and made Incharge of its Development Planning & Execution of Plans. He was Vice -Chancellor of Agra University during the years. 1996-2000.

Prof. Dr. Pervaram Padmavathi
B.Arch., MURP (USA), Ph.D (London)

Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University (JNAFAU) &
Professor in Architecture
JNAFAU School of Planning and Architecture (SPA),
She is VICE-CHANCELLOR of Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture & Fine Arts University (JNAFAU)
Professor in Architecture at School of Planning and Architecture, JNAFAU
Pursued Ph.D. at Development Planning Unit, Bartlett School of Planning and Architecture, University of London under the Commonwealth Academic Staff Scholarship by Association of Common Wealth Universities, London, through nomination from University Grants Commission, Govt. of India deputed from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University with full emoluments. The doctoral work in “Urban studies” explored the effects of Land-use regulations on middle-income housing.

Prof. Dr. S. Mohan
M.Sc, Ph.D, D.Sc, German,
Dip. In HRD, DBA,DBM, F.Inst.P, FICS, FLSS, FABMS, FNESA, Former Vice-Chancellor,

PRIST University, Thanjavur,
Former Director, R and D, PRIST University,Thanjavur
Former Senior Professor of Materials Science,Pondicherry University,
Asian Institute of Medicine,
Science and Technology University, Malaysia, Hawassa University, Ethiopia,
Dean- Research, Vel Tech Univrsity, Avadi, Chennai
Prof. Dr. S. Mohan : BSc, M.Sc, PhD, DSc, Dip in German,HRD, Buss. Management and Administration; Educationist; b April 3, 1947 chennai, Educ Madras Univ; Teaching Research Fellow 1969-72; Asst Prof, Presidency College 1973-80; Reader, Anna University 1980-87; Prof, Pondicherry University 1988-2002, 2005-06; Prof, Asian Inst med, sci and tech Univ(Malaysia) 2003-04; Director-Res and Dev, PR Inst of Sci& tech 2006-2009;Vice Chancellor, PRIST UNIV 2008-2010, Dean, Senior Professor of materials Science, Hawassa University, Ethiopia 2010- 2012, Dean-Research, School of Sciences and Humanities, Vel tech University, President: Spectroscopic Soc of India, Member: Indian Chemical Soc, Newyork Academy of Scs, Indian Soc for Experiential Learning, Soc for Chemists-France, Indian Physics Association, Soc for the Progress of Sc, International Consortium for Experiential Learning, Laser and Spectroscopic soc of India, Indian Council for Research in Educational Media; Patron-SpectroPhysics Assn. of India, Vice President-Photonics soc of India; publs-More than 869 papers published in various International and National journals of repute including in medical sciences and 16 books; Guided 75 Ph.D scholars; organized 10 national conferences, 6 Refresher courses, one summer school and third International conf on Experiential learning at Pondicherry 2002 and International Conf on Photonics, nanotechnology and Computerr applications 2009. contributed several papers to Experientail learning; Awards- International man of the Year 1997, 1998; Best Researcher ISPA award 1999; Scientist of the year 2001 award ; Meritorious Educational Excellence award, 2002; Best scientist of the year 2004 award; Best teacher award2004; Charles Darwin Gold medal award 2009, Life time Achievement award 2014, Member in the Editorial board of SpectrochimActa; INCONS 2005 award for best teacher, researcher and administer, Charles Darwin Gold medal , 2002, Life time achievement award 2014.Fellowship award 2025 by NESA at Dehradun. Address: Dean- Research, School of Sciences and Humanities, Veltech University.

Prof. Dr. R. Venkata Rao
Vice Chancellor
National Law School of India University

Serving as the Vice Chancellor, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, India from 11th May 2009.
Previously has served for 31 years in the Faculty of Law, Andhra University, Vishakapatnam, India in various capacities as the Dean, Faculty of Law and Chairman, Board of Studies in Law.
Has the distinction of receiving the Best Teacher Award from the Government of Andhra Pradesh, India in 2006, the Best Researcher Award from the Andhra University, India in 2003 and Gold Medal for the Best Ph.D. Thesis.
Has guided successfully 16 Ph.Ds, 1 LLD and more than 75 M.Phil Scholars.
Has published more than 120 papers in Journals of National and International repute apart from presenting several papers in National and International Seminars.
Associated with prestigious bodies as a member like the Executive Councils of different National Law Schools in India and Advisory Board of Institute of Genetic Awareness and Applied Research, Nova, Southeastern University, U.S.A., among others.
Widely travelled and has visited number of countries.

Prof. Kum Kum Dewan
Vice Chancellor, Noida International University
B.A, M.A, PH.D, D.SC

Professor Kum Kum Dewan is a highly qualified Mathematician with outstanding academic qualifications – BA (Honors) from Lady Shri Ram College for Women: MA (Mathematics) from University of Delhi, Pre – Ph.D. course from IIT Delhi; Ph.D. in Mathematics from IIT Delhi and D.Sc. (Mathematics) from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra.
Her work experience spans over 43 years. She has held Coveted appointments of Officiating Vice Chancellor; Member of University Court; Member of University Executive Council; Member of University Academic Council; Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences; Professor and Head of Department of Mathematics; Head of Department of Computer Science, International Students Advisor at Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi. She also has teaching experience at IIT, Delhi and Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
Contribution of Professor Dewan in the field of Research is noteworthy. She has published over 100 research papers on the various branches of Mathematics namely Complex Analysis, Approximation Theory, Mathematical Modeling, Transportation and Computer Science which have been published in the listed/ indexed national and international journals of USA, Australia, Yugoslavia, China, Croatia, Hong Kong, Bulgaria, Poland, Turkey, Iran, India, Bosnia, and Europe etc. . . . Several of these papers have been citied in books and research publications.
She has actively participated in International Mathematical Conferences and has delivered invited talks at International and National conferences as well as other academic forums in countries like USA, Canada, Bulgaria, China, Japan, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Thailand, Bangladesh, Yugoslavia, India to name a few of them.
She has been an Expert Member/ Advisor in various committees and selection boards of UGC, DST, UPSC, and SSSC, DTU, DU and other universities / institutions.
Professor Kum Kum Dewan has received top awards and recognitions namely “Top 100 educators, 2013” by IBC, Cambridge, England; “International Woman of the year 2011” by ABI, USA. “International Woman of the year 1997/1998” by IBC, Cambridge, England; recipient of “Secular India Harmony Award” by United Children’s Movement, India; Best Citizen of India award by IPH, India; “Outstanding people of 20th Century” by IBC, Cambridge, England; and “Best Woman Personality Award” by Friendship Forum of India; Punjab University, Patiala conferred upon her Award for “Being Empowered Women” in 2014. Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi has recognized her as “Alumna of the Week” in 2011. Her name appears in several editions of “Who’s Who in the World”; “Who’s Who in Asia 2012”, “Who’s Who in Science & Engineering”, “Five hundred leaders of influence” by Marquis, USA and has many other awards/ recognitions to her credit.

Prof. M. Premjit Singh
Vice-Chancellor, Central Agricultural University, Imphal

Dr. M. Premjit Singh (b. 1955), Vice-Chancellor, Central Agricultural University, Imphal passed his M.Sc. (Life Sciences) in 1981 from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and stood first position for the Centre of P.G. Studies, Imphal. He obtained his M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree in Zoology from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. Dr. Singh started his service career in erstwhile Manipur Agricultural College, Imphal as Assistant Professor (Entomology) in 1986 and became Associate Professor in 1990, Professor in 1998 and Director of Extension Education on 2009 in Central Agricultural University, Imphal. Besides professional positions, he acted as Registrar, Deputy Registrar (Academic), Assistant Registrar (Academic) and Research Co-ordinator (Oilseed crops) in Central Agricultural University, Imphal for more than a decade. The Young Scientist award was conferred to Dr. Singh in 1992 by DST, New Delhi for his research project entitled “Studies on bee pollination of oilseed crops”. Dr. Singh has undertaken six research projects funded by external agencies and supervised 5(five) Ph.D. and 10 (ten) M.Sc. (Ag.) theses. He attended 8 International Conferences, 77 National Conferences and 5 training courses. To his credit he has got 99 research papers, 55 research communications, 7 books, 11 technical bulletins and many popular articles. He is the Chief Editor of CAU Farm Magazine and CAU Kisan Diary published in 7 languages. He has vast experience in North East Agriculture and credited with memberships in a number of high level committees, Expert groups, Professional bodies, University bodies etc. Dr. Singh has developed/identified about 14 novel technologies/concepts/methodologies in the area of plant protection. Large scale demonstration on “Zero tillage cultivation of rapeseed-mustard in rice fallow “covering more than 1000 ha for 5 consecutive years; front line demonstration on location specific IPM in rice using gall midge and blast resistant rice variety in 200 ha for 5 consecutive years, construction of water harvesting structures in Farmers’ field with micro-irrigation facilities and quality seed production of rice and oilseeds under seed village concept are some of the exemplary contributions of Dr. Singh for the resource poor farmers of North-Eastern Hill Region.

Prof. Dr. Kamal Kant Dwivedi
President Global Academy of Doctorates
Former Vice-Chancellor, Arunachal University and Apeejay Stya University

Former Advisor, Ministry of Science and Technology
Former Counsellor for S&T, Health and Education, Embassy of India, Washington DC
Prof. Dr. Kamal Kant Dwivedi is a Scientist, Researcher, Teacher, Educator, Administrator, Diplomat and Science Communicator. For over 38 years he served in India and abroad in different capacities. Previously, Prof. Dwivedi served as the Vice-Chancellor, Arunachal University, Vice-Chancellor of Apeejay Stya University, Head of Division, Adviser, and Director in the Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, Counsellor (Science, Technology, Health and Education), Embassy of India, Washington DC, Visiting Professor/Scientist, University of Giessen, University of Marburg and Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin, Germany and Faculty member at North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong. Prof. Dwivedi has significantly contributed to enhancing scientific understanding by participating in over two hundred scientific conferences, symposia and seminars, by chairing technical sessions and delivering plenary and invited talks. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1977 from I.I.T. Kanpur and M.Sc. in 1972 from Lucknow University. He has specialized in the fields of Chemical, Nuclear and Environmental Science, Science and Technology Cooperation, Administration and Communication. Prof. Dwivedi pursued research in truly inter-disciplinary areas and published about 200 research papers.
Prof. Dwivedi held a prestigious position of the President of International Nuclear Track Society representing more than 40 countries. He is recipient of 10 different national and international fellowships, the prestigious “India 2000 Millennium Award (1999), the Saraswati Centenary Award” and elected as the Fellow of the International Academy of Physical Sciences (FIAPS) and President of the Chemical Sciences for the Centenary year (2012-13) of the Indian Science Congress.

Prof. Naresh Chandra Gautam
Vice Chancellor Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya
Vishwa vidyalaya, Chitrakoot,
Distt. Satna (M.P.)

Professional Experience: (More than 39 years)
- Served as Vice-Chancellor the VBS Purvanchal University from 28.05.2001 to 18.09.2005.
- Worked as Dean, College of Horticulture & Forestry and Dean Post Graduate Studies Board, NDUAT, Faizabad.
- Working as Chairman Coordination, VC Office, and NDUAT. Kumarganj, Faizabad of the University.
- Worked as Dean, Post graduate studies.
- Worked as a founder Head of the Department of Vegetable Science, NDUA & T., and Faizabad from July 1982 to October 1985. Again took over the responsibility of Professor and Head of the Department since Feb 1, 2000 to May, 2001.
- Discharged the duties of Technical Officer to the Vice-Chancellor for assisting in management and development related issues of the university and projects financed by State or Central Govt. / ICAR and other outside funding agencies like World Bank etc.
- Developed a modern research farm of the university with latest facility and technical support.
Teaching: Professor (20 years) and more than 30 years of experience in teaching of Graduate and Under Graduate courses at university level.
Research : Posses more than 37 years’ experience
Books : 18
Publications: Research papers and articles, Technical bulletins etc. -80 Country visited: Japan, U.S.A., Israil, Philippines and other European countries Honors Fellows: Fellow of Indian society of Vegetable science
Fellow of Indian Botanical Society.
Honors as Awards: Rajiv Gandhi Rastriya Ekta Award 2004, Indira Priyadarshini Award-2002 for contribution to development of education, Rishi Award by BHU, Varanasi, Vigyan Bhusan, Observer award, Young Scientist Award etc.
Recognitions :
- Served in various committees as member of 10th Plan committee of UGC.
- Review committee of Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
- Chairman of Research Advisory committee IIVR, Varanasi.
- QRT member of Tuber Crops. (ICAR)
- Served as member in search committee for establishment of new Agricultural Universities in U.P.
- Acted as chairman/member in large number of committees of International and National symposium, seminar and conference.
Filed of specialization: Plant breeding/ Vegetable breeding

Dr. Venkat Rangan
Vice Chancellor Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is a young and dynamic University established by its Chancellor, Sri Mata Amrita nandamayi Devi, popularly called AMMA all over the world and one of the foremost humanitarian leaders of the world today. AMMA is recipient of the prestigious 2002 Gandhi-King International Award at the United Nations in Geneva. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, under AMMA’s guidance is well on its way to becoming one of the foremost institutions of education, learning and research in engineering, information technology, medical sciences, as well as management. In 2003, AMMA appointed Dr. Venkat Rangan as the Vice Chancellor of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
Previously, Dr. Rangan founded and directed the Multimedia Laboratory and Internet & Wireless Networks (Wi-Fi) Research at the University of California, San Diego, (UCSD) where he served as a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering for 16 years. He is an internationally recognized pioneer of research in Multimedia Systems and Internet E Commerce. In 1996, Dr. Rangan became one of the youngest faculty members to be awarded the Full Professor position at the University of California – just 7 years after his Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley in 1989. Dr. Rangan has over 85 publications in International (mainly IEEE and ACM) Journals and Conferences, and also holds 22 US Patents.
In 1993, Dr. Rangan founded the first International Conference on Multimedia: ACM Multimedia 93, for which he was the Program Chairman. This is now the premier world-wide conference on multimedia.
Dr. Rangan also founded the first International Journal on Multimedia: ACM/Springer-Verlag Multimedia Systems, which is now the premier journal on Multimedia.Several startup companies have emerged from Dr. Rangan’s Multimedia Lab: these include: San Diego based Intervu (1995) and InnovaTV (1997), successful pioneers in Internet video streaming.
In 1999, Dr. Rangan took a two and a half year leave of absence from UCSD to found Yodlee, Inc… He raised about $40 million for Yodlee from Sequoia Capital, Accel Partners, AOL, Bank of America, etc., invented online account aggregation, built Yodlee’s business with major portals and banks, served as its President and CEO during the first two years, after which he hired a full management team to run Yodlee. Dr. Rangan continued to serve as Founder and Chairman of the Board of Yodlee till August 2002. Yodlee is now a multinational company with a 98% market share in online account aggregation with over 100 customers that include almost all of the top 10 portals and top 50 financial institutions of the world.
In July 2000, Internet World featured Dr. Rangan on its cover page and named him as one of the top 25 Stars of Internet Technologies.
Dr. Rangan has been awarded:
- Fellow of ACM (1998): youngest to achieve this international distinction
- NSF National Young Investigator Award (1993),
- The NCR Research Innovation Award (1991), and
- The President of India Gold Medal (1984)

Mr. Perminder Singh Malik
President-Scope for Change, Founder & CEO @ DLP India, Veracity Geo-Solutions

Bharati Vidyapeeth PGDBM, General, 2006 – 2008
Grade: 2nd Division
MIT School of Distance Education
Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Design, Oil and Gas, 2007 – 2008
Grade: 1st Division with Distinction
Arya Bhatt Polytechnic
Diploma in Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering, 1992 – 1995
Grade: 1st Division
Guru Tegh Bahadur 3rd Centenary Public School
12th Standard, Science, 1984 – 1992
Perminder Singh Malik brings a bag full of expertise in the domain of both entrepreneurship and education industry. His extraordinary vision, hard-working nature and commitment to work have made it possible for him to earn the reputation of both a successful entrepreneur as well as an educationist. He is also a President of organization called “Scope for change” which helps kids from minority communities to study towards their better future by paying their fees who are not able to afford.
He is also active member of “Young Indians” Delhi chapter which is integral part of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) which have various verticals and work extensively for the betterment of the society like education poor students in villages, sessions on God Touch and Bad Touch, helping poor for their living being and towards environment.
With more than 20 years of experience in the industry, Perminder Singh Malik has been shortlisted as the top 30 entrepreneurs out of 500 entrepreneurs from across the globe for Ernst & Young (EY)’s Accelerating Entrepreneurs Program 2015! Apart from this, Mr. PERMINDER SINGH MALIK, has been awarded the Prestigious Community Service Award by the Delhi Minorities Commission, Government of N.C.T. Delhi, in June 2020. In 2019 he was received “Award of Excellence” at IIT Delhi jointly from the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Jaipur and University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Kolkata for his immense contribution to the corporate world. Mr. Singh has visited countries like Denmark, USA and recently went to UK/Ireland with a Delegation on Entrepreneurship where he visited premium universities names University of Cambridge, Edinburgh University, University of Salford, UCD Dublin and Manchester City University. The delegation was headed by Infosys Co-founder Mr. Kris Gopalakrishnan.

Latte Paul Angoli
Investigator (CLEPUL – University of Lisbon)

Latte Angoli Paul, born on 09/14/1972, Portuguese-Ivorian nationality, completed the Master in the Department of Romance Studies of the Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon in 2007 and is developing his PhD project on African myths and Europeans. It is researcher at the Centre of Lusophone Literatures and Cultures and European Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon. Its mother tongue French, speaks fluent Portuguese and writes, speaks and also writes Spanish and English.
Was organizer and lecturer at the International Congress Ideas of / for Europe (6-9 March 2009), held at Chemnitz University of Technology – Germany, with the high patronage of the European Commission; on December 18, 2009 coordinated with Professor Arnaldo the Holy Spirit Luso-Francophone Meeting on the classical roots of African culture with title The myth of Orpheus and Negritude , held at the Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon, with the support of Foundation for Science and Technology, and co-organized by the Classical Studies Centre of the Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon (CEC), the Literature Center & Culture Lusophone and European Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon (CLEPUL), the Association of Francophone Portugal (AFRAPO) and Degree in African Studies, Department of Portuguese Language and Culture of the Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon.

Dr. Dinesh Rajmal Shah
Provost UKa Tarsadia University,

Member of various curriculum development committee frame from time to time by university. he was also member of a committee and team leader, set up Gujarat government for developing Grant in code for pharmacy. Currently Chairman of committees, in academic policies designing of our own university. I am one of the key persons in establishment of World Class G V nagar campus.
Involved in several local Inquiry committee for guiding affiliated institute to enhance environment
As a Chief Executive of Gopal Vidyanagar, he is responsible for technological and infra structural set up at our campus, which is fully \M-Fi campus. I have designed and developed whole campus of 100 acres with 25 + various courses
Since from the almost beginning of my carrier, I got an opportunity to involve myself in administration. Since last 25 years I am heading institute and Chief executive of Uka Tarsadia University. Worked in several committees from time to time. Organizing conferences / seminar / workshop etc
Having associated with 6 various bulk drug industries as advisor and Technical consultant.
Reviewer of journals, working as a member of Advisory board, key contributor in starting Pharmacy programmes in South Gujarat, contributed lot in curriculum development and evaluation process.
Experience In the field of Administration and Finance Area Description and background Faculty administration Chairman of Board of Studies and of Faculty since several years. ….., Institutional administration Heading institute since almost two decade.

Malini Nair Prasad

Currently Ms Malini is a full time Quality Assurance Policy and Planning Analyst to the Fiji Higher Education Commission in Fiji. She has been working with the department of Quality Assurance since 2014 on quality assurance and systematic improvements for the commission, Fijian higher education institutes and TVET sectors. She coordinated one of the major projects – APQN Review of the commission which was a successful and the commission was recommended to be registered on the Asia Pacific Quality Register.
Previously she has held position as a safety programme coordinator with Fiji Red Cross Society and worked closely with NZ Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent and International Committee of Red Cross for development of safety first aid programmes, training packages and branch developments initiatives to equip the vulnerable community’s resilience to disasters.
In previous roles she held senior positions with academic institutions at Fiji National University as a Safety, Health and Environment officer managing over 30 branches. She has also worked for Fiji government, Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment as a Technical officer – field operations and part time as professional development officer.
She has presented academic research Paper on Globalization and Diversification of Quality Assurance of Higher Education; Internal Quality Assurance Using Integrated Approach of the Malcolm Baldrige Framework – at APQN 2015 conference yet to be published. She has done many other research such as distribution and zonation of Littorariascabra in mangrove area of Nasese, Fiji Islands, Waste Management at Fiji Sugar Corporation; Lautoka Mill, Identification of Plant Parasitic Nematodes of sugarcane – lab diagnosis and Conservation of corals in Fiji as part of her undergraduate studies.

(Saudi Arabia)
Mr. Adel Mansour Abdel al
Director of Quality Assurance & Performance Development
(QA&PD) at Al Yamamah University

Adel M. Abdelal has held the position of General Director of Quality Assurance and Performance Development. His position involves developing, implementing, and maintaining an organization wide quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program and accreditation process. He provides QA/QC assistance and training to project managers, principal investigators, and executive managers and serves as management representative on quality matters. Mr. Mansour is also responsible for accreditation and certification process and provides other technical training in the field of statistical process control , business process analyses and Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA).
Mr. Mansour received his MSc. degree in Energy Technology from UKM and his BSc degree in Physics from Yarmouk University, Furthermore; he is holding a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from Yamamah University. Prior to his current position, he was the quality manager/ and coordinator in industrial fieldfor 5years, engaged in training and auditing in the field of QESH and social compliance.
Mr. Mansour serves as an Associate member the American Society for Quality (ASQ)and is a member of several professional organizations like Saudi Quality Council. He is Leader for Excellence based on EFQM(L4E) and Certified EFQM Assessor. He is also Certified Quality Engineer and Certified Quality Process Analyst from ASQ, Quality Management System Lead Auditor (QMS LA) passing training which is approved by IRCA. Holding Green belt in Six Sigma and other professional certificate and licensed from SGS to participate in external audit/third party by SGS.

Prof. S. K. Soni
Consultant NBA, NAAC & HLACT Accreditation

Retired Professor from < >
2004 onwards he was working as Dean Quality Assurance of Eng. Education Services by both Eng. Colleges and Polytechnic Colleges.
2011 to June 2012: Adviser Technical Education Quality Improvement World Bank funded Project at Sagar Group of Institutions (SGI), Bhopal.
July 2012- Current Time: Working as Senior Consultant NBA Accreditation and Faculty Trainer for producing employable Engineers and Technologists through Quality Assurance reforms in Technical Institutions.
Jan 2014- Became associate member of IAO in Jan 2014. He was awarded a status of IAO accredited faculty in Dec 2012.
His goat to assist faculty of Eng. and Polytechnic & other professional & training Colleges for acquiring NBA & IAO Accreditation.
Published a Book July 20124: “Preparing for Accreditation of Quality Assurance of professional educational services” available at,, Search by name of the book.

Dr. Ashu Gupta
(Ph.D., MCA)
(Assistant Professor: Apeejay Institute of Management Technical Campus, Jalandhar, Punjab, INDIA)

Dr. Ashu Gupta is Sr. faculty member of Simulation Modeling in Department of Computer Science at Apeejay Institute of Management Technical Campus, Jalandhar. His expertise areas include System Simulations & Modeling, Data Structure and business process re-engineering etc. Presently he is actively involved in research on application of simulation tools in manufacturing Industry and developing a framework for evaluation of simulation software’s in Indian Industry. An active researcher and a prolific writer, he has contributed numerous papers to several seminars and conferences and published research papers in journals.

Ashutosh Dhamija
M.Tech (Microelectronics & VLSI Design)
B.Tech (Electronics & communication Engineering)


Dr. Ramu Nagarajapillai
Associate Professor and UGC Research Awardee
Annamalai University,

Financial Economics, Human Resources, Business Administration
M.Com.,M.phil.,M.F.M.,PGDBA.,Ph.D,UGC (NET)
Dr.N.Ramu is currently working as Associate Professor in the Department of Commerce, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, and India. He has 19 years of experience in teaching and 12 years in research. His research areas include cooperative banking, banking,

Dileep Nair
Chancellor & Founder North East Frontier Technical University (NEFTU)

Dileep K Nair, the indefatigable entrepreneur, noted educationist and eminent social thinker,
s on a Life Mission of creating learning platforms and imparting professional excellence training for enhancing employability quotient of the people. He possesses an endless zeal and limitless courage to force open the new windows of change and bring in the salubrious breeze of transformation into people’s life.
His RECENT EDUCATIONAL venture is North East Frontier Technical University which he has established in Arunachal Pradesh. Early on in life Dileep Nair could appreciate the enormous value of competency and skill building and therefore has constantly been marching on to craft platforms for vocational learning and development. He first set up the Institute of Information Technology and Management in Pune to build vocational competency of students in the IT field. He went on to build many graduate and post-graduate level professional and educational institutions in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi and Kerala.
He also initiated MHRD (Govt. of India) approved professional VIEP (Vertically Integrated Engineering Programme) Project with IGNOU.
Prestige College Project with Dr. CV Raman University, and Enrich Institution Project- with MS University Tirunelveli.
Include innumerable educational initiatives such as organising National and International Seminars, Technical Lectures, Project Design and Guidance, Curriculum Development, Tutorial Guidance, Student Evaluation, Facilitating Publications and Papers Presentations.
Member on Staff Selection Bodies of various colleges, Syllabus Committees, Academic Councils, and Inspection Committee for Graduate Degree Affiliation and Recognition.
Was the special invitee of Kerala Govt for its Higher and Technical Education Campus Recruitment Drive.

Mr.Kuldeep Patil
Executive Director & Trustee – The Automobile Society of India
Vice President (Marketing) – Engineer’s Outlook

Member Board of Governance – North East Frontier Technical University, Arunachal Pradesh
Member Board of Management – North East Frontier Technical University, Arunachal Pradesh
Technical Director – Ahmedabad Institute of Aeronautical Engineering & Information Technology, Ahmedabad
Vice President – Uma Educational Foundation, Hyderabad
Project Director – Vishweshraiya Foundation for PMKVY (A Govt of India Initiative)
Advisor – Vishweshraiya Foundation, Udaipur
Visionary * Educationist * Consultant * Facilitator
“An expert at building large professional education enterprises.”
A creative, versatile and dedicated individual with stellar professional standards, He believes in transforming lives through education and skill development and learning never ends in life. He is on a calling of creating educational institutions for the professional development and professional excellence for enhancing the employability of students. He is passionate about providing knowledge, skills and values to make students life purposeful, valuable and prosperous.
He has started his professional journey with Indian Institute of Aeronautical Engineering & Information Technology (IIAEIT), Pune and is presently holding the executive directorship of Automobile Society of India. The journey is interspersed with interesting assignments in between. A quick recap of my career milestones is cited below:
- Executive Director & Trustee of Automobile Society of India since 2014
Established in 2011, The Automobile Society India is an apex professional body that conducts Associate and Technician Membership examination in the fields of Engineering in association with top Indian trade organizations like All Indian Industries and CII, ASSOCHAM, and Quality Council of India. The aim of the society is to provide a platform for working professionals of engineering industry to enhance their educational qualification at their own pace. The society also organises many trade development activities including Auto Expo and publication of Engineer’s Outlook magazine. My role as its Executive Director steers all the activities of the Automobile Society of India and makes a powerful contribution to the academic development of professionals engaged in the field of engineering.
- Vice President (Marketing) of Engineer’s Outlook – an engineering trade magazine.
- Member Board of Governance of North East Frontier Technical University, Arunachal Pradesh, established under the aegis of Automobile Society of India since 2014.
- Member Board of Management of North East Frontier Technical University, Arunachal Pradesh, established under the aegis of Automobile Society of India since 2014.
The North East Frontier Technical University in Arunachal Pradesh has been set up in the remote area to cater to the higher education and employability skills-building needs of the youth in this part of the country. The noble intent is to activate the transformation of its youth through education, skills training and competency building so as to make them change agents to cause prosperity in the community. The cutting edge educational technology will connect the North East Frontier University’s students with the world. As a key player of the decision-making the body of the NEFTU, he carries a critical responsibility of conception and design of its programs and initiatives.
- Vice president, Uma Educational Foundation, Hyderabad, a registered educational trust, since 2009.
In 2011, The Uma Educational Foundation established Shree Uma Degree College – a full-fledged college offering B. Com., B. Sc. degree programs in Electronics, Computer Science, Statistics and commerce. It is affiliated to Osmania University and has been set up with the philanthropic aim to provide education with a humane and compassionate approach taking care of needy students.
Awards & Honours
‘Young Entrepreneur’ in education field from Global Achievers’ Foundation, 2010
‘Bharat ShikshaRatan’ from Global Society for Health & Education Growth, April 2010

Dr. Nirav N Thakkar
Principal A. G. High School and G & D Parikh Higher Secondary School

Functioning in the field of Education and training since 26 years, Dr. Nirav N. Thakkar is presently the Principal of A. G. High School and G. & D. Parikh Higher Secondary School. The Institute is inimitable combination of Science and Commerce Secondary and Higher Secondary English Medium, affiliated with Gujarat State Education Board (GSEB).The school comprises of about 1200 students and 60 faculty members and administrative staff to which Dr. Thakkar heads on routine basis.The school is managed and operated by Ahmedabad Education Society- one of the prestigious educational institutes in Ahmedabad which also manages further apparent and distinguished institutions like The CEPT University and Ahmedabad University. Dr. Thakkar is also visiting faculty at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), and CALORX Teachers’ University,teaching and guiding under-graduate and post graduate students in the area of Education and Management as their specialization. Currently he is also Chairman of Ahmedabad Principals’ Association.
His current assignation is as an advisor with SHARDA trust– A CSR division of Arvind Limited. SHARDA is an aspiring Educational programme, with twin objectives. First it purposes to improve quality of education imparted to the poor children and second it works with an adolescent group for span of six to eight years endeavoring to ensure it being the last generation in poverty for them. The inkling is to stimulus positively the future earning streams of children and adolescence with the assistance of local industry and the government.
Along with all existing obligations, Dr. Thakkar has extended contribution in the field of research, publishing his articles in reputed magazine and journals like, IIT- Delhi.
Dr. Thakkar pursued his Doctorate in Education with specialization in standardization of Test from Gujarat University. He also holds additional Masters in education and Economics and Graduation in Economics and Mathematics from GU.

Edison Selvaraj
Assistant Professor

Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai.

Colonel (Dr) Mithilesh Dixit
Career Point University,

He is visionary and a keen educator. He has over 30 years of experience globally with government, education, corporate sector and international charitable organizations. He has served with Indian Army for over 16 years in various operational areas. He has handled operations of United Nations in strife torn Africa and helped in rehabilitation and resettlement process of a war ravaged country with over 1.3 million refugees. He has been national evaluator with UNICEF and have headed entrepreneurship development committees. As part of corporate sector He has global experience in various segments of corporate sector in USA, Canada and Europe and have looked after operations. He was rated outstanding performer of the year by United Nations.

Susanta Kumar Biswal
M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., FIC, FICCE, FISBT, FSPS, C.Chem.

Associate Professor and Head
Department of Chemistry
Centurion University of Technology and Management
Dr. Susanta Kumar Biswal is holding the position of Associate Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry at Centurion University of Technology & Management, Odisha, India. He has received his Ph.D. in Chemistry in the year 2003 from Utkal University, Odisha, India. He has 20 years of teaching experience in various branches of chemistry in different Technical and Non-Technical degree colleges and 15 years of Research Experience.

Prof. Sudipti Banerjea
Com,Ph.D., LL.B
Professor, Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta

Associated as an expert with a number of leading universities and academic & professional bodies in India & UGC, NAAC, ICSSR, NCERT, UPSC, AICTE, various Service Commissions,
Member of a large number of Inspection Teams for annual inspection and subject affiliation in the U.G. colleges affiliated to the University of Calcutta
Serving as a member/ member-coordinator of a number of Peer Teams constituted by the NAAC since 2000 & acting as resource person in programmers on quality awareness/ preparation for NAAC evaluation organized by a number of HEIs in West Bengal and other states on a regular basis
Director, IQAC, University of Calcutta, 2006-2014
Member, IQAC, University of North Bengal (2010-2012) & Member, IQAC, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata

Dr Ravindra Pratap Gupta
Sr. Consultant, Advisor and Board Member Healthcare, Pharma, Retail, Education, Media, Politics, IT & ITES Sector

Dr. Ravindra Gupta is a Consultant, Adviser & Board Member in companies spanning across sectors as Pharma, Retail, Healthcare, Distribution, IT and Education. A dynamic professional in Corporate Governance, Marketing, Sales and Operations with over 20 years of strong, decisive executive leadership in well knownorganisations.
Has been instrumental in bringing successful transformations in difficult situations with able guidance and spearheading leadership. Has strong corporate network and sector knowledge for bringing turnarounds and has successfully completed various full time, advisory & consultancy assignments undertaken.
Dr Gupta has been functionally engaged in establishing presence for pharma majors in various locations within the country having played pivotal roles with Micro Labs Ltd, Wanbury Ltd. (erstwhile Wander Novartis Pharma), Aventis Pharma Ltd and Lloyds Labs. Have been associated in healthcare among the top management cadre personnel of 1500 bedded Asia’s biggest hospital SevenHills Hospital & Health-city.
Dr. Gupta has been a core part of the healthcare retail business of the Future Group and has been instrumental in setting up the vast network of in store Wellness Stores with India’s leading Retailer Future Group in North, West and Gujarat Zones.
Dr. Gupta had been associated with the Indira Group of Institutes since December 2008, having held the position of Director at Indira Group of Institutes. Besides he is credited with successfully establishing distribution network of Domestic and International Giants in India.

Prof. Dr. Lawrence Lowell

Global Advisor -Global Board of Academic Advisory & Professors Council, (AAFM® Board of standards) USA
Accredited Management Consultant (AMG™) a Licensed Chartered, (AAFM®) USA.
Fellow (FAAFM): – American Academy of Financial Management (AAFM®) USA.
Member (MICHE): – International Council for Higher Education (ICHE), Zurich
Member (MCMI):- Chartered Management Institute (CMI) UK
Member (ICDE):- International Council for Distance Education
Lawrence Lowell is ‘Accredited Management Consultant-AMG™’ with Licensed Chartered Certification, a Fellow-FAAFM™, and Global Advisor listed with American Academy of Financial Management, Global Board of Academic Advisory Council of AAFM Board of Standards. Lowell is a dual doctorate degree graduate, a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration-PhD from South America, and a Professional Doctorate in Management-ProfD from India, includes Master of Business Administration-MBA, Master of Law-LL M, Bachelor of General Law-BGL/ Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA. Lowell has been working in higher educational institutes faculties in lecturing, and in administration in Ghana alongside his studies since 2007, at University College of Management Studies as Lecturer/Administrator, Global Professional Studies as Administrator/Ag.Principal, Business Management & Financial Institute as Administrator/Snr. Lectuer, and currently with valley View University Kumasi campus lecturing Strategic Management and Policy, Principles of Management, and Organizational Theory and Design.
In internationally, Lowell is a Professor/International Faculty Member for NWMD International University in South Africa; Adjunct Professor in Ghana for AZTECA UNIVERSITY European programmes
Course Facilitator/Exams Supervisor for Cambridge International College, UK; and Global Advisor-Global Board of Academic Advisory Council, (AAFM®) USA, and International Coordinator for Indian Management Academy.
He is the Founding President/CEO of LOWELL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, a registered management & educational consulting firm in Kumasi, Ghana, and Executive Director for CODA Ghana.

Dr. Prakash Daulatrao Patil
B.Sc. (Chemistry), M.Sc. (Chemistry),
Ph.D. Chemistry (Science), LL.B. (Special), MS-CIT

In spite of belonging to a poor family, residing in a remote village lacking any mode of travelling, managed to receive higher education- M. Sc. Ph. D. (Chemistry), LL. B. Started educational career by entering the field as a Lecturer in Chemistry in 1990 at reputed Educational Organisation, Padmshri Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Engineering Pimpri, Pune and In 2002 received the responsibility of Padmshri Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Arts, Commerce and Science as the Principal. As the head of the Institution led it to face the NAAC Accreditation and successfully got accredited it with B++ in 2004. In 2005 joined Camp Education Society’s Dr. Arvind B. Telang Sr. College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Nigdi, Pune, as the Principal. There were only traditional degrees, like B. A., B. Com. and B.Sc with 429 students, when took the charge of the office of the Principal at this college. Looking in to the matter very positively, initiated a number of professional courses. Today there are B. A., B. Com., B. Sc., B. Sc. Computer Science, B. C. A., B. B. A., M. Com., M. Sc. Computer Science and M. A. Hindi with 2142 students, 60 faculties and 38 non-teaching staff. Took the lead role to get the Institution Permanently Affiliated to Pune University, Pune, in 2005-2006. Applied for 2 (f) in 2008 and successfully enlisted the name of the Institution in U. G. C. list under Section 2 (f) of the U. G. C. Act-1956. Also led the Institution to enlist it’s name in the U. G. C. list under Section 12 (B) in 2010. In 2014 led this Institution to face NAAC Accreditation and received B grade with CGPA 2.76.

Prof. Sun Jianrong
Associate Vice President and President of the International Academy of Macau University of Science and Technology

Prof. Sun Jianrong is Associate Vice President and President of the International Academy of Macau University of Science and Technology, Emeritus Professor of Rieu Golan University, and he also serves as Director of School Assessment Office. Prof. Sun received her PhD of Management of Higher Education of Ohio University in 1992 and Master degree of Applied Linguistics in 1988. Prof. Sun received his teacher training certificate by the British Lancaster University English in 1984, and bachelor degree from English Department of Xi’an International Studies University in 1979. Prof. Sun used to be the former Macau University of Science and Technology Vice Provost, Dean of International College, director of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Teaching Development Centre, tenured professor of English Department in the University of Rieu Golan Ohio, Dean of the College of Humanities, Director of the School Evaluation Office, Dean of College of Foreign Languages Shanghai Tongji University .
Prof. Sun is the Consultant and Evaluator of the North Central Association, The Higher Learning Commission from 2002, and he participated in four dozen universities certification and evaluation in the United States. Since 2005 he has been appointed as one of the China National Higher Education Evaluation Center assessment experts, and participated in the assessment of China University of Technology, Renmin University of China, Tsinghua University, Peking University. Since 2006, he has been appointed as a member of Shanghai (Education Evaluation Association) Joint Education and certification assessment expert group, and served as Shanghai University of Sydney Business School accreditation site visit team leader (July 2006). Since 2007, Prof. Sun is the Consultant and Evaluator of distance learning of the North Central Association, The Higher Learning Commission. From 2009, he has teaching at Peking University School of Education doctoral education (Ed.d.) summer course (Higher Education Quality Assurance mechanism). Prof. Sun also serves as visiting professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University, Beijing Institute of Technology, China Metrology University.
Research fields of Prof. Sun are faculty development and faculty evaluation, the evaluation of general education teaching quality, certification of universities, online teaching design and evaluation, pragmatics application. Besides, Prof. Sun has published numerous research papers and books.

Hilda Ajeilat
President Jordan Transparency Center

Mrs. Ajeilat is a member of Jordan Transparency Center (JTC). JTC is a non-government and not-for-profit organization aiming at enhancing transparency, accountability and fighting corruption through civic participation and monitoring. Inspired by the United National against Corruption, JTC was founded in July 2011 by a group of enthusiastic Jordanian volunteers. Mrs. Ajeilat was elected chair of its board of directors in Feb 2012.
JTC members have organized a few local activities on transparency and accountability. Most of these activities were held on their capacity. JTC participated in national, regional and international activities on transparency, accountability, good governance and combating corruption.
At the regional level, Mrs. Ajeilat is a founding member of the Arab Organization for Transparency and Integrity (AOTI) based in Kuwait. She was elected as secretary of the board of the directors. AOTI was established in March 2012 in Doha by Kuwait Transparency Society, Bahrain Transparency Society, Tunis Transparency Society, Libya Transparency Society and Jordan Transparency Center.
Mrs. Ajeilat has participated as keynote speaker in national, regional and international events in and out of Jordan. She was a member of the national corporate governance committee that drafted a code for registered companies in Jordan, in collaboration with IFC. Mrs. Ajeilat is also a member of the economic policy development forum chaired by HE Dr. Talal Abu Ghazaleh.

Wg Cdr Ragashree D Nair:(R)
MD&CEO of Medicaid Ethos Pvt Ltd.
Regional Director -Kerala State for SME Chamber Of India.

A professional with 20 years of experience in administration, all aspects of HR and Strategic Management and alliances.Worked for 15 years in the Indian Air Force handling HR and administration of some of Asia’s biggest airbases, Senior Management in an Infrastructure company, as Resident Director at a Chamber of Commerce, Regional Director- Kerala State and Mentor with MSME.
• Executive Business Management Program: MDI, Gurgaon (HR & Marketing).
• MBA (HR).
• DIM.
• Personnel Management.
• MA (English Language & Literature).
Professional Training and Workshops:
• Emotional Intelligence.
• Leadership and Behavioral Sciences.
• Appraisal and performance counselling seminars.
• ‘Crew Resource Management’ for aviators.
• Multiple papers on ‘Branding, Women Empowerment, Adult Literacy

Dr. Shivaramakrishnan Srinivasan

A professional Translational Medicine expert practising Research and non invasive advanced techniques over a decade to improve global health care system.
Academic Credentials
Post Graduate in medicine
Dual MBA in pharmaceutical Technology and clinical research
Skilled in nanobiotechnology research and applications, Tissue engineering , Arificial organs Research ,Epigenetics Nanorobotics, Stem cell Research , Gene research and its translational application.
Post doctoral fellow in Translational Medicine
Experience and achievements
Founder Medicaid Ethos pvt ltd
Innovation Director Smart Technology park -Nanotech Bioscience Technologies Pvt Ltd
Director International Institute of Innovation
Signed MOU with Vibrant gujarat on High Tech valley and smart technology park.
Advisor Salta Group of companies
Advisor Asia specific mobile university
Chief organiser International conference on innovation in biotech and medicine with Department of pathology Bangalore medical college Governement of karnataka.2013
Chief Organiser Global enterpreneurship summit 2014.

Dr. Ajit Nedungadi
Director (Admission & Marketing)
A P Goyal Shimla University

Qualified and experienced Senior Administrative personnel offering 13 years of education sector, 13 years of manufacturing, quality assurance, R&D, CTS, marketing and independent plant management experience. Result oriented and effective leader with ability for out-of-box thinking and managing stressful situations. Especially talented at identifying and resolving problems, setting up efficient systems and procedures, maximizing efficiency delivering bottom lines. Possesses ability to understand and manage emerging technologies.

(Sierra Leonean)
Dr. Abdul Karim Bangura

About 16 years of lecturing experience in various fields ranging from Management/Administration, Accountancy, and procurement. Positions held from the University range from Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Head of Department, Dean of Faculty to Director /Academic Dean of Studies.
Over 14 years of corporate experience working for NGO’s, private Sector and public sector. Positions held ranges from Admin. Assistant to Director of Finance
An Honorary global advisor of the American academy of Financial management (USA)
Served as Governing Council Member for two (2) years, at the Institute of Advanced Management and technology, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Also serves as representative for many professional bodies/Institutions like IPFM UK, DTMSI- South Africa, and UNEM-Costa Rica and so on.
Founder/CEO of two notable institutions one is a consultancy and the other a higher educational institution of learning registered in Sierra Leone, West Africa.
He is also the architect that designed the Computerised Grading package used by NCTVA to assess candidates for the Technical /vocational and Teachers training courses all over the Country. Some of his competences which includes but not exhaustive:
- Technical, logistical, analytical, organizational and problem solving ability;
- The initiative and potentials to adapt within team dynamics;
- A keen business mind, entrepreneurial and pro-active with a strong drive to enhance result;
- Strong planning, organizing ,monitoring abilities and discipline towards optimizing performance;
- Excellent communication, reporting, and motivational skills.

Dr. M.Ramamoorty
Chancellor, K L University, Vijayawada.
B.E. (Hons), M.E, M.A.Sc, Ph.D

Dr.M.Ramamoorty 0btained his BE (Hons) from Andhra University in 1957 and M E from I I Sc Bangalore in 1959. He obtained M A Sc and Ph.D. from the University of Toronto Canada in 1965 and 1967 respectively. He was a Common Wealth Fellow at Toronto University from 1964 to 1967.On returning to India he joined I I T Kanpur as a Faculty Member in the Dept. of Electrical Engineering where he became a Professor in the year 1972.He established for the First time in India a Graduate Program in Power Electronics at I I T the year 1968.He has supervised 12 Doctoral projects during his stay at IIT and was associated with many sponsored projects from Industries such as BHEL and HSL. In 1977 he joined M/S Hindustan Brown Boveri Ltd at Baroda (now M/S ABB Ltd) as Chief of Research. He was responsible for the development of a number of Prototypes in Switchgear, Relays and Instrumentation. He joined Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) as its First Director General in the year 1983. He retired from service in 1994.During his tenure CPRI became a well-recognized Research and Testing Centre in India, Dr. Ramamoorty took over as Director ERDA Vadodara in June 1995 and demitted his office as Director on 31st Oct.2006 after completion of his contract period and continued as its Advisor for one more year.
He worked as a Visiting Professor at a number of Universities abroad which include University of Sydney, University of British Columbia, University of Washington, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, University of Waterloo, University of Trinidad and many others.
Dr. Ramamoorty authored Seven Books on Thyristors, CAD of Machines, Reactive Power, Power System Protection, Electrical Machines, Hydro Power Generation and Applications of Power Electronics in Utilities and Industries. He edited one Book on Power Plant Instrumentation.
Dr. Ramamoorty has 8 Patents on Field Oriented Control of Synchronous Motors,Sensor less Rotor Speed measurement for Induction Motors, Power quality improvement, Detection of ineter turn faults in Synch, Generators and on A Method to Identify Stalling condition in IMs.
He is a Life Fellow of IEEE and Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineers and is the distinguished lecturer for IEEE Region
He is the recipient of a number of awards from professional bodies which include Vasvik Award, Bimal Bose Award, Jawaharlal Birth Centenary Award, Visveswariah Memorial Award, Pandit Madan Mohan Malavya Award, National Design Award, I I Sc Alumnus Award, N P S C Award, Life Time Achievement Award of IEEMA, Hari Om Ashram Prerit Award and the National Power Engineers Award.
He has published more than 200 Technical papers in reputed Journals.
During his tenure at HBB, CPRI and ERDA he has guided 10 Ph.D. Projects Presently he works as Advisor R&D for many Industrial establishments and is a Visiting Honorary Professor at Osmania University, IIIT and VJIET at Hyderabad

Prof.Dr Mirjana Radovic-Markovic

Dr Mirjana Radovic-Markovic is a full professor of Entrepreneurship .She holds B. Sc, M. Sc. and PhD Degrees in Economics, as well as Post Doctoral Studies in Multidisciplinary Studies. After her dissertation completing, she continued her advanced studies in the Netherlands, USA and Russia. She visited famous universities in the US (Stanford University, Columbia University, University of Pittsburgh), and gave lectures at Lomonosow (Russia) at Oxford University (UK) and recently to students from Franklin College (Switzerland).In addition, she is a visiting professor since at ,St.Kliment Ohridski University ,Sofia University ,Bulgaria ( since 2012-) and University of Wroclaw ,Poland ( 2013 and 2014).
She has served as professor at a number of international universities, foundations and institutes. In addition, she is a Member of Scientific Committee, National Ministry of Science, Serbia (2010-) ,head of the Scientific Centre for Economic Researches, Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia ( 2008-),Member of Management Board of Institute of Institute of Economic Sciences (2008-)member of ERENET- Entrepreneurship Research and Education Network of Central European Universities, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary (2008-), director of Entrepreneurship ,Alumni Association Network ,US (2008-), fellow of ICAS –International Convention of Asia Scholars (2007-), professor of the American School of Genealogy, Heraldry and Documentary Studies and so forth.
Professor is a founder and editor in chief of Peer Journal of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Education (JWE). She is also editor in chief of -Economic Analysis, Institute of Economic Sciences, (2009-)Belgrade, Serbia, editor of Journal of Business Economics and Management, North-German Academy of Informatology (Stralsund) and Vilnus Gediminas Tehnical University, Lithvania (( 2008-) (,member in the Advisory Board Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics ,Romania ( 2010-), member of Journal of Economics and Business Research, Faculty of Economics ,Arad, Romania ( 2010-) and etc.
She has written more than thirty books and more than hundred peers’ journal articles.
- Elected academician (full fellowship) of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013.
- Elected fellow (full fellowship) of the Academia Europea, London, United Kingdom, 2012.
- Elected fellow (full fellowship) of the World Academy of Art and Science, United States, 2011.
- Elected academician (full fellowship) of the Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences –EMAAS, Athens, Greece, 2011.
- Elected fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts in the UK (the RSA), London, United Kingdom, 2010.
- Elected academician of Serbian Royal Academy of Science and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, 2012.
- Elected vice-president of Serbian Royal Academy of Science and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia,2013-
- She is elected member of the Scientific Board of European center for business, education and science, Bulgaria and WAIS, Stanford University, US.
Read more: Link in Wikipedia:

Dr. Yusuf Olawale F
HND, PGD, Bsc, MBA, Msc, DBA, PhD, Professor (Honoris Causa), FCIML, FBMA, FIPFM, ACMA, ACFIA, ANIM, CPMgr, CBMgr, CFMgr

More than 10 years of experience, in the field of Management, Education Services, as well as training. Highly self-motivated and committed person. Strong administrative, communication and problem-solving abilities, leadership and supervisory experience, ability to focus on diverse responsibilities and manage complex scenarios sharpened in a dynamic and highly competitive work environment under demanding operational conditions using accounting /technical knowledge, effective interpersonal and proven analytical skills.

Tangali Mohamed Juzoef
Ph. D., MBA, M. sc, MA, BBA
Owner/president Mediena Business School, NL

Founder/Chairman of Foundation Noorani Islamic Research Institute, NL
Independent Research Executive Agent, European Commission
Peer Reviewer of Journals, Scientific Online Publishing,USA
Professor of Islamic Studies & Business Management, Pebble Hills University, USA
2015 –Present : Honorary Advisor, Pebble Hills Group for Management Research and Development, USA
2014 IAO Accreditation for Excellence in Education,USA
1994 Marketing Director of the Year, Cabouchon,UK
- American Institute of Certified Management Accountants, chapter VU University Amsterdam
- Alumni ESAA-Accountancy, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Alumni NCOI – Master of Business Administration, Amsterdam
- PvdA (Labor Political Party) in The Netherlands
PhD in Islamic Studies (Pebble Hills University) MBA (NCOI Business School, NL) EMBA specialization in Strategic Management & Corporate Governance (University of Miami Business School, USA) Master of Arts in Controlling (University Avansplus, NL) Master of Science in Internal Auditing (Avansplus/California University FCE, USA) PGDip Information Security Officer (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, NL) PGDip Law (Public Academy, NL)

Vinay Kunwar
Director, Habib Animatos Pvt. Ltd.
Diploma in Industrial Electronics, B.Sc. (Computers), M.B.A. (Marketing)

- Received Appreciation Letter from Hon’ble Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Narendra Modi (2011)
- Received Appreciation Letter from Hon’ble Education Minister of Gujarat, Shri Ramanlal Vora (2011).Photo Feature Profiling on Most Innovative Business Idea of 2014 by National Level Magazine “The Franchising World” (2014). Received Maharashtra IT Awards: 2008 at the hands of then Chief Minister of Maharashtra Shri Vilasroaji Deshmukh while working with MITCON Ltd. as Vice President
- Director – Rotary Foundation
Current Professional Profile
Director at
- “M/s. Habib Animatos Pvt. Ltd.,”
- “IndiaFIRST™ Robotics Academy”
- “National Academy for Advance Computing Training”, with interests in various fields such as School Academics, Information Technology, Vocational Education, Soft Skills Training, Technical Education and Entrepreneurship.
Manufacturer and Exporters of Robotic Kits:
Designed and developed India’s first ever modular robots useful for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education for school students in the age group of 6 yrs. to 22 yrs.
Currently, has more than 60 nos. centers across India, Africa and Middle East.
Chairman at
- “Disha Stadiodromia”
- “Apang Maitri Trust”
Founder Trustee at
“Asian Academy for Education and Research” which has 3 colleges in Pune which includes,
- Asian Jr. College,
- Asian college of Science and Commerce,
- Asian Institute of Management Science

Dr. CA Achyut R Dani
(M.Com, LL.B, PhD, CA- All India . Ranker & Gold Medalist)

Experience and other achievement:
- Awarded most prestigious international award BHARAT JYOTI AWARD at India International Centre, New Delhi.
- Awarded with national BHARAT GAURAV AWARD for contribution in the field of education at young age.
- Awarded Excellence in Education Award@AMA by CCS by the VC of Gujarat University Dr.M N Patel.
- Practicing Chartered Accountant since January, 2003.
- Having 8 (EIGHT) restaurants and Catering Business serving Multi Cuisine across the state of Gujarat.
- Worked as Asst. Director looking after 16 colleges of JG Group including its foreign education programme for 4 years.
- Worked as full time lecturer in Accountancy and Commerce in New L J Commerce College, Ahmedabad for 7 years.
- Has authored Text Books of Accountancy (Both Gujarati and English Medium) for 11th and 12th Commerce for Gujarat Higher Secondary Education Board.
- Has authored Self Study book of Accountancy (Both Gujarati and English Medium) for 11th and 12th Commerce for Gujarat Higher Secondary Education Board.
- Working as Key Resource Person (KRP) for Gujarat Higher Secondary Text Book Board.
- Working as a member of Committee for Review of Education and Training (CRET) of Institute of Chartered Accountant of India.
- Working as a Faculty member for Academic Staff College, Gujarat University for Refresher and Orientation in the subject of Accountancy especially for Accounting Standards and Reporting Requirements.
- Working as a Faculty member and coordinator for training of Income Tax Inspectors and Officers etc at DTRTI( Direct Taxes Regional Training Institute)
- Has provided education to more than 8000 students of Chartered Accountancy and Company Secretary and more than 40000 students at UG level over a span of 13 years.
- Working as a faculty member in the subject of Accountancy and Taxation at Ahmedabad Branch of WIRC of ICAI since 2003.
- Working as a faculty member in the subject of Accountancy and Taxation at Ahmedabad Branch of ICSI since 2003.
- Working as a faculty member in the subject of Accountancy and Taxation at Ahmedabad Branch of ICWAI since 2004.
- Working as a faculty member in the subject of Accountancy and Financial Management at LJIMS and LJMCA.

Dr. SK Mahapatra
CEO- Attitude Business School

Dr. SK Mahapatra – is an Entrepreneur, Educationist, Mentor, Writer and an Actor is also an IT/HR Professional with 20+ years of experience and a dual doctorate holder. Is a versatile management professional with national and international exposure in engineering, banking, consulting and IT. Mastering the innovative concepts like business process, branding, benchmarking and quality control. An iconic individual honored with various prestigious awards like Kalingashree, Star Odisha, ‘Odiyara Gourav’, etc. for his outstanding and sustained contribution in the field of management, entrepreneurship, research & development, IT and social work. With multiple business segment he has embellished various domains like education, IT, entertainment, health & wellness and social work providing benevolent service to the cosmopolitan. The rich industrial background with dignified personality and an extensive exposure to advancement has led him create a distinct niche in the society at large.

(Hong Kong)
Nelson Wong
Director at Association for Coaching and Facilitation (ACF)

Nelson Wong is the first social worker in Hong Kong who obtained a professional designation of WABC Certified Business Coach™ (CBC™). He is also the first and the only trainer of Personality Dimensions (Level 2) AND True Colors in Hong Kong.
Nelson has earned a Master degree in Social Work plus various certifications in coaching and Personality Assessment tools such as MBTI, Personality Dimensions (PD) and True Colors. He is a highly qualified professional coach and facilitator with more than 10 years solid experience in coaching and training.
He was the Head of Training and Development in a sizeable Non-Governmental Organization to responsible for 1300 staff members’ learning and development. Now, he is the Director of Association for Coaching and Facilitation (ACF). Besides, he is also an active Trainer at the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) which is one of the most reputable training institute in Hong Kong.

Dr. Paresh Gajjar
Managing Director, Managing Trustee, Owner & Proprietor

Certificate level Technical- Education of Training promoted by the Directorate of Technical Educational Govt. of Gujarat.
Have 19 years of experience in Educational Industry Experience in formulation and development of strategic business plans & handling various HR processes (Manpower planning, recruitment management, selection, performance management, mentoring, grievance handling with training & development).
An effective communicator with exceptional interpersonal skills and hands on experience in training and development of subordinates and team members.
Staff handling, Motivating & making my team into a cohesive unit are my forte.
Being good in self motivating & also motivating others had been again a biggest achievement for me to get my associates to do their duties up to the optimum.
Detail and goal oriented. Highly developed interpersonal skills.
Skilled in utilization of computer.
Bharat Shiksh Ratan Award
Global Achievers Foundation, NewDelhi

Dr. B V Babu
Vice Chancellor
Galgotias University

An acknowledged researcher and renowned academician, Dr B V Babu has 31 years of teaching, research, consultancy, and administrative experience. He did his PhD from IIT Bombay. He is currently the Vice Chancellor of Galgotias University, Greater Noida (since May 2014). Earlier, he was the Pro Vice Chancellor of DIT University, Dehradun (2013-14) and founding Director of Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) at JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur (2011-2013). Prior to that, Dr Babu served at BITS Pilani for 15 years (1996-2011), and held various administrative positions as Dean – Student Welfare Division, Dean – Faculty Division 1, Dean – Educational Hardware Division and Head -Chemical Engineering Department, to name a few. Before that he worked at Gujarat University for 11 years (1985-1996).
He is a member of various national and international academic and administrative committees. He is a Member, FICCI Higher Education Committee, New Delhi; National Executive Council Member, Centre for Education Growth and Research (CEGR), New Delhi; Member, Confederation of Education Excellence (CEE), E-Cell and Business Council, New Delhi and also the Board Director of Academic Vertical of CEE, New Delhi. He was the Chairman-Diploma Board, Member of National Council and also an Executive Member of Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD), New Delhi. He is the Peer Team Member of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), a statutory body of UGC, New Delhi and served as Chairman, Member Coordinator and Member of various visiting Peer Teams for many Universities and Institutions. He is also member of Peer Review Committee for The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Canada; National Research Foundation (NRF), International Research Grants, South Africa; Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi; and member of Research Project Review Committee, Ministry of Steel, Government of India, New Delhi. He is Honorary Board Advisor and on Advisory Boards for many Educational Endeavors and Consulting Firms. He is external expert member of Board of Studies at Banasthali University and MNIT Jaipur.
He is the recipient of CSIR’s ‘National Technology Day Award’, obtained in recognition of the research work done. He received ‘Kuloor Memorial Award-2006’ awarded for the Best Technical Dr B V Babu’s Brief Profile As on March 23, 2016.

Prof. Kambiz Akhavan Azari
Toronto, Canada
Associate Scholar at YORK University

Prof.Akhavan Azari received his Bachelor & Masters degrees in Urban Planning & Design from Tehran University Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts/1985. He submitted his Ph.D. dissertation at Middle East Technical University/METU Faculty of Architecture and Planning Ankara-Turkey in 1991. During his Ph.D. studies he was in University of Minnesota-USA Department of Housing as visiting Ph.D. fellow / Winter-Spring 1988.
As a professional he established PARS ARG Consulting Architects & Planners/1993 and as an academician He was senior lecturer and full time academic staff in Iran University of Science and Technology / Faculty of Architecture and Planning Tehran-Iran and Islamic Azad University School of Art & Architecture Tehran-Iran /1993 -2013.He was Visiting Prof. in RYERSON University /Dept.of Architectural Sciences 2014-2015.
During the time he established” Pardis Mimar College of Architecture and Design” Tehran-Iran /2002 and act as the first Dean of the college. He was the founder of Canadian Mid-East Academy (CMA) – Tehran –Iran as an academic advisory institution / 2004. CMA duties have been extended to Toronto Canada as CILC/Canadian International Learning Centre as a non for profit incorporation in service of orienting international students in their Academic Affairs and helping them to find their path in Canadian Higher Education.
Areas of Specialization
- Urban Preservation and Conservation
- Civilization/Art and Architecture of Near & Middle East
- Art and Architecture in Islamic History
- Architecture and Material Culture of the near & Middle east

Dr Austeen Eugene
President/CEO, Masta Business School, Nigeria

A professional who rose from humble beginnings in 1988 into very strong relevance today! Learning from every opportunity and circumstance, resolving career challenges is now a routine for me as a Change Agent!
As Cross-Country Education Consultant, Marketing Professional, Transport and Logistics Planner, Human Resource Agent, Research Fellow and Resource Person in many professional Fields, I bring my wealth of training and experience into Educational Marketing, Management Consultancy, Financial Planning and Logistics/Supply Chain Management Consultancy.

Rani Wemel
Co-Founder and COO, LTTGlobal and MyMobile University

Rani Wemel used to teach law and in 2000 resigned to spend more time with her children. She formed LTT Global Communications, in 2004 together with her husband and business partner Wemel Cumavoo. She has been instrumental in the development and implementation of numerous projects to promote mobile learning in the region. A global pioneer in mobile learning has been participating, understanding, tracking, creating awareness through various initiatives, since 2004, to encourage and support the growth of the mobile eco system. She is also the co-founder of MyMobileUniversity a global initiative to impact lives through education and of 2 NGOs’ the Mobile Industry Group and the Asia Pacific Mobile Learning & Edutainment Advisory Panel.
She is dedicated and very passionate to achieve her vision and mission to provide holistic, cost effective and efficient solutions to organizations to enrich and empower organizations from human capital development to enterprise solutions.
She has over 35 years+ experience from Administrative, Finance, HR, PR and Advertising to Business Development and teaching Law all of which came in helpful when started her own business. Currently her role is in supporting the senior management team and works closely with customers and partners to determine the key issues they face and how these challenges can be resolved. She is highly experienced personnel with a history of achieving significant business improvement in both local and international operations and in developing people and teams.
Among her recognitions are; proud finalist in the “teleworking mums” contest organized by in 2004 in collaboration with the Ministry of Women and Family Development Malaysia and being a nominee for the Prime Minister’s Woman Entrepreneur 2011 Award and Woman Social Activist 2011 Award. In February 2016, she received the Women Excellence Award under the category of “ Women Entrepreneur in Education (Mobile Learning) Award held in conjunction with International Women’s Day Commemoration in Sri Lanka.
She’s a Graduate Fellow at Cherie Blair Foundation for Women and also serve as a speaker, panelists, Honorary Advisor for global companies and sits on committees driving the mobile sector.

Gajo Vanka
Chief Administrative Officer
BAU Distance Education Unit

A professional who rose from humble beginnings in 1988 into very strong relevance today! Learning from every opportunity and circumstance, resolving career challenges is now a routine for me as a Change Agent!
As Cross-Country Education Consultant, Marketing Professional, Transport and Logistics Planner, Human Resource Agent, Research Fellow and Resource Person in many professional Fields, I bring my wealth of training and experience into Educational Marketing, Management Consultancy, Financial Planning and Logistics/Supply Chain Management Consultancy.

Wemel Cumavoo
Co-Founder and CEO, LTTGlobal and MyMobile University

Wemel Cumavoo is co-founder and CEO of LTT Global Communications and MyMobileUniversity. He is a prominent businessman being in business for the past 45 plus years. This allows him to draw from a deep reserve of experience to provide insightful and creative solutions to business challenges. He sits on the Board of Directors of several companies ranging from education, resort to consumer products. In 2000 with the birth of the millennium, his interests in mobile and learning fascinated him, knowing very well this is going to be the next major revolution after the industrial revolution. LTT Global Communications was formed and is among the initiators and pioneers of mobile learning globally. His entrepreneurial spirit, strong business acumen and visionary leadership has led to LTT Global being the recipient of several international and local awards.
He serves as speaker, panelists, sitting on committees driving the mobile sector this includes:
- Co-Founder and Advisor on the Asia Pacific Mobile Learning & Edutainment Advisory Panel (APACMLEAP)
- Co-Founder of Mobile Monday Malaysia
- Member of the The Royal Commonwealth Society
- Member of the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development (UN-GAID)
- Member of the elearning Europa an eLearning initiative of the European Commission seeking to mobilise the educational and cultural communities
- Mentor for the Mobile Catalyst for the Global Entrepreneur Week since 2008
He believes that Corporate Social Responsibility is part of any organisations’ big or small contributions back to society. His passion is to empower people with education that will improve their lives, the lives of their families and give positive impact to the organizations they work for. Time and money should no longer be an excuse for not pursuing a course or picking up a hobby or increasing one’s knowledge. To Wemel personally, learning is a lifelong journey and he believed we have to be willing to constantly learn, unlearn, and relearn in order to grow. It is this mindset that has helped Wemel become the person that he became today.

Meera P. Abhimanyu
CEO at Elixir Solutions
Quantum Mind science – From Dr. Pillai’s teachings

International counselor: IPCAI from UK
NLP practitioner: ABNLP, IHA
CDC certified Dermatoglyphicsconsultant: ADRC Malaysia
CIDTT Program-Cambridge International diploma for Teachers and trainers).: Cambridge University
Master’s in Education: M.Ed. (Master’s in Education): ICFAI University
- A competent professional with over 16 years of experience in the areas of Education & Teaching
- Well versed in studying existing systems and procedures, facilitating Teaching ways & initiating new teaching Methodology
- An effective communicator with effective interpersonal skills & counseling abilities for children. Strong analytical, problem solving & organizational abilities. Possess a flexible & detail oriented attitude.
- A certified Dermatoglyphics consultant from ADRC Malaysia
- A certified NlP practitioner from School of Excellence a certified organization approved by American Neurolinguistics programming and International Hypnosis Association
- A motivational trainer and life strategist
1) Seminars on ‘Problems of Adolescents’ for the teenage club at Thevara, Cochin as part of a voluntary social service program
2) Training conducted for teachers at Golden International School on Difficult Behavior in the classroom and Parent Handling Mechanism
3) Conducted workshop on Multiple Intelligence at Vagdevivilas schools
4) Workshop on Lesson planning for preprimary teachers
5) Workshop on Nine strategies for effective teaching
6) Workshop on hands on activities in Science and Moths for high school teachers.

Lawrence Wasserman
Ph.D., CKM
International Development Consultant

Lawrence is systems development consultant with more than 20+ years of experience. Apply innovative technology solutions in such areas: health care education, mobile education and eLearning, and social media applications.
His experience is working on multiple projects around the world where Technology can significantly improve the public and private sector toward sustainability.
Dynamic results oriented with developing mobile technology experience in leading, executing and managing projects. Demonstrate record of achievement in giving thought leadership to strategic health management policy and planning. Provide innovative and commercialization solutions toward health care technology transfer for development institutions including knowledge management.
Provide clients project assistance, effective performance assessment and implementation and recommendations, directed at cost reduction by combining innovation solutions, management expertise & technology solutions applying best practices. A strong motivator seeks problem solutions to overcome barriers and constraints, which effectively identifies, develops alternative strategies for decision makers. Expertise in the based competencies: global telemedicine and mHealth, social media marketing.
SKILLS: Institutional Strengthening and Development. Policy Formulation and Strategic Planning. Evaluation Research. Knowledge Management. Social Media Market Tools. Private & Public Governance. Mobile and E-Learning Applications.
SECTOR SKILLS: Utilize social media marketing tools to promote products and services for Client market. Promote technology transfer and commercialization to enhance Patient health monitoring and quality care to; Health institutions; physicians, hospitals or clinic care using telemedicine, remote Patient monitoring or mHealth devices. Public Private Partnership in Health Care.
Provide “needs-assessment analysis to identify operational solutions” for Applying health care technology; medical devices and commercialization.
INITIATIVES: Establish Global Alliance for Telemed and eHealth, Center Health Education Technology, Board Member My Mobile University and Education for All 2025
EDUCATION: Ph.D. Public Administration: Technology of Management American University. Washington, D.C., United States of America. Fields of Specialization: Public Administration, Operations Research, Science and Technology, Research and Development Management.
MPA Public Administration (Development), American University
MS Operations Research (Economics), New York University
BA Mathematics (Statistics), City University of New York
Public Sector: US Federal Government Agencies; Public Health Service, World-Wide Donor Agencies; USAID, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, ILO, United Nations Agencies; World Health Organization, UNDP, UNCHR.
COUNTRIES: United States, China, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Poland, Uganda, Swaziland, Indonesia, Kenya, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Pakistan, South Korea. Laos, Singapore, Laos
ADJUNCT PROFESSOR: Central Michigan University. Courses: policy analysis, program Planning and development, and management technology.
PRIVATE SECTOR: Associate to Consulting Firms applying operations, systems solutions To international private sector health firms and government clients Involving hospitals and rural health care facilities seeking mobile Health solutions. Conduct cost effectiveness and cost benefit studies.
Apply mobile eHealth and telemedicine solutions directed at global operations, innovate hardware and software devices for improving health care of the population. As ICT-based knowledge worker involve in developing policy and strategy toward improvement of health, locally, regionally and globally through use of information and communication technology.
Work with global companies to represent innovative health related products representation and services to transfer technology to emerging markets to make a difference and build national capacity for effective and efficient use of ICT in their health systems.
MEMBERSHIP: Mobile Health Working Group, Mobile Monday 2.0, Global mHealth Initiative. Society for Entrepreneurs Physicians, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Team Specialists on Public-Private Partnerships, HIMSS, Society Physician Entrepreneurs
- Provide assistance to remote mobile health companies in Asia and United States in solutions to reduce costs and increase productivity.
- Member of mHealth Alliance and other health services health care institutions.
- Channel Partner w/Mobile Remote Health Monitoring and Service providers.
- Associate: Personal Health Records program to establish health records access.
- For World Health, Technical Officer in Charge, planning, management and evaluation of twenty three Asian country’s primary health care operations and community delivery of health services research programs covering water and environmental health. Manage workshops in appropriate health technology and disease prevention & health promotion.
- Collaborate with mobile health and medical organizations in identifying products that save costs and effective for remote patient monitoring
- Evaluate USAIDs child health survival programs’ education and communication programs, especially those with directed toward altering community perceptions and practices to reduce child diseases. Assess Ministry capacity to sustain national child health programs. Recommend health education best practices.
- For Veterans Administration, prepare program guidelines for the establishment, selection criteria of Center’s Health Systems Research at VA hospitals. Design the VA’s management submission criteria for project submission, financial plans for the applicants. Developed health services guidelines for evaluation of projects for governmental funding. Serve as the primary grants reviewer of the Veteran Administration’s health services research submissions for funding.
- Certified Knowledge Manager
- Developed KM and CoP training program and execution, led KM programs.
- Conduct short workshops on knowledge management applications and how communities of practice can be applied in organizations
- For USAID conducted Knowledge Sharing and Analysis of Africa Global Competitiveness Program. Evaluate international donor KM portal effectiveness. Assess, recommend improving AID’s knowledge sharing strategy and practices.
- Certified Knowledge ManagerKMPRO. Design training workshops for educational institutions, public and private, focusing on knowledge sharing and the establishment of Communities of Practice. Conducted workshops on KM applications and its uses & how communities of practice can be applied.
- Remote Mobile Health Applications using cell, smart phones, and M2M applications.
- Provide satellite communications and tracking technology of assets, aviation and maritime vessels and ground transports resulting million dollar annual savings.
- Enabling satellite products and services in developing countries provide savings.
- Energy consultant, assess Philippines’ Energy & Clean Air policy & nine projects.
- Mobile technology consultant deriving solutions to enterprise solutions. approaches
- Identify mobile applications enterprise advice for mobile services for training of client staff. For international clients, negotiate purchase of electronic equipment.
- USA Sr. Associate for GO Mobile 2008-2009 ASIA event and present papers
- Mobile Learning Consultant. Serve as spokesman and presenter at Asia Pacific Mobile Conference, Malaysia. Led mobile development enterprise strategy and role of mobile technology in developing countries.
- For United Nations Division Public Administration prepares paper on mobile technology and digital divide; digital magazine article on Mobile Learning Flash Card.
- Associate Hot Lava Software, Mobile Learning. Provide public and private sector with capability to provide solutions to clients using PDA mobile phones utilizing the Learning Mobile Author (LMA). With developers applications include education, health, testing, and training alike.
- Provide consulting support for knowledge management activities pertaining to eLearning, mobile enterprise projects and program initiations on mobile technologies
- MOBILE LEARNING CONSULTANT. Serve as spokesman and presenter at Asia Pacific Mobile Learning Conference, Malaysia. Led mobile development enterprise strategy and role of mobile technology in developing countries.
- For Mobile Data Force, global leader, marketing the development of software solutions in health care, transportation, logistics, and utilities – gas, electrical.
- STATE-ALLIANCZ UNIVERSITY Serve as Member of the Board Directors Singapore and professor for eMBAworldwide programs. Provide policy and marketing strategies for Alliancz to enter into the world-wide higher education business.
- E-LEARNING-MOBILE TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT. For developing countries formulated strategic approach to applying new e learning tools, Mobile Learning and Mobile Book Flash Cards which converts professional bestselling books into flash cards for individual use and corporate training.
- Conduct Management Development Training courses focusing on Poverty Reduction Strategies, Sustainability, Best Practices and Millennium Development Goals. Include role of program evaluation, group exercises and storytelling.
- Assess the project performance of Indonesian Bureau of Public Statistics reports; efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability. Recommendations highlighted project needs to strengthen the production and analysis of economic statistics.
- Manage task force for Global Knowledge Partnership on strategic application of ITC/knowledge management to monitor evaluates population and poverty alleviation healthprograms. Identified role of communities of interest; governance and health care focusing on information sharing & policy analysis.
- As evaluation consultant prepared World Bank’s publication report on “Lessons and Practices” focusing on research and assessment of the bank’s evaluation reports on capacity building, decentralization, health nutrition and education.
- Grant, contract reviewer, proposal writer; health prevention programs submitted by community/non-profits on school based & community low income groups.
- For Philippines Local Government Department developed strategies to strengthen the Municipal’s project development and management activities. Proposed the roles & responsibilities of DILG and stakeholders based on Development goal.
- Ministry Agriculture-Forestry (Laos) prepares human resources report for implementation focusing on capacity building, and change management.
- Writer; Governance, Risk and Compliance Handbook: Technology, Finance, Environmental and International Guidance Best Practices. John Wiley, Prepare book chapters on South East Asia Corporate Compliance and Country Study focus on national governance, compliance and policies. Study results identified country regulations and output performance based on laws and case studies.
- As representative for Asian company provide Executive – Human Resources services in establishing USA operations. Prepared Human Resources Handbook guides all employee policies and rules for health wellness products.
- As Institutional Development Specialist led an institutional assessment of Ministry’s Marine Fisheries action plan and policies towards strengthening Indonesia’s coral reef program. Recommended changes in coordination, collaboration and communications with Central and Regional district levels.
- Assess the project performance of Indonesian Bureau of Public Statistics reports; efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability. Recommendations highlighted project needs to strengthen the production and analysis of economic statistics.
- Team leader prepared Indonesia’s water management capacity building report and Five-Year Performance-Based Plan of Action. Design water policy-making and organizational strategy to improve Agency performance in key result areas.
- Consultant to Bangladesh Ministry Primary Education & Mass Communication (World Bank). Design work program for national framework and staff development program to enhance knowledge of the group visit to adult & continuing education institutions.
- Project Manager for Indonesia’s BAPPENAS to establish government policies and regulations to strengthen Indonesia’s local consulting sector & procurement of goods and services. Evaluate government laws and regulations on procurement services and impact on decentralization, accreditation and company certification.
- Strategic Planning Consultant, Transit Transportation Coordination Authority Africa. Developed and finalized a 5 year strategic plan to improve the Authorities performance into an effective regional transport regulatory body. Focus on regional economic development and cross-cutting issues; gender, health, and the application of ICT. Conduct workshops in the plans preparation.
- Team Leader, prepare management strategies to evaluate and assess performance of DG Land Transport’s (Indonesia) inputs and output requirements. Evaluate coordination and communications working relationship between Ministry to external road & transport agencies at regional & local level institution laws.
- Plan and implement training programs and established courses in management, finance, budgeting, project management, privatization, and business opportunities with Philippines Roads Department. Develop Ministry procurement policies.
- Management expert, Thailand Highway Department. Define management options for the privatization of Nations roads, highways, and potential toll roads to 2016. Evaluated the economic impact on the Government’s Highways and private sectors, as to financing privatization schemes for the building of toll roads.
- Contractor Management Training Expert, Ministry Transport, Swaziland. Conduct management study on assessment of human resource capabilities and constraints in privatization civil works and building construction sector. Prepare an evaluation report of civil works contractor-training needs.
- Team leader managed the restructuring of the Ministry of Transmigration (Indonesia) and established Center for Privatization for Economic Development, Legal Depository and Public Affairs Operations Room. Direct studies to maximize the efficiency of the organizational structure, and prepare management systems & procedures. Assess economic impact of privatization of government services
- World Bank institutional adviser to evaluate China’s EPA organization structure. Compared and assessed several national countries EPA program, to determine their strengths, weaknesses and recommend alternative organization layouts.
- For Karachi Development Authority evaluate government’s participation in coastal zone management program for private sector investment. Prepare Regional Environmental Control Board to approve all investment projects. Develop an environmental information database to facilitate impact of investment projects.
- Project manager to Thailand’s Environment Biodiversity Institute to assess organizational restructure proposals for Ministry of Agriculture. Recommend future staffing pattern based on job requirements, staff experience/expertise on which EBI will operate efficiently, meet Ministry policy & planning requirements.
- Manage staff development and training program for Uganda’s environment authority. Identified skill requirements based on tasks and functions, job requirements and organizational objectives. Prepare management planning and procedures system. Design Environmental Liaison program for collaboration and communication purposes.
- As consultant participate in reorganization of support functions for the Office of USAID’s Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). Prepare report proposing restructure information requirements, training needs, computer and communication support functions on integration into Office reorganization.
- For USAID Local Government Partnership Program, Poland, prepared best practices municipal management tools and models for replication and dissemination. Identify potential privatization of state enterprise delivery service. Assess the manual of enterprise strengthening tools to determine its applicability as a diagnostic tool.
National Center Heath Statistics Public Health Service Department of Defense
- Senior governmental official responsible for managing projects and programs in the health services sector and the defense industry.
- For Department Health and Human Services served as evaluation review of Federal governmental grant, contract proposals. Prepare reports with assessment of contractor project designs, research methodology and evaluation methods.
- Prepare & implement training needs assessment of Government program & identified requirements for implementing computer based training system.
- As task force member developed evaluation guidelines in the planning, design and conduct of grants and contracts to reduce the incidence and prevalence of disease & health prevention of high-risk youth and women to reduce health risks.
- Implement manpower management and zero base budgeting system to determine organizational needs and requirements based on its goals and objectives. Assess governmental policy to insure agency’s program effectiveness & best practices.
- Design client information database for determining inventory needs and forecasting aircraft/ground equipment. Prepare formulation and econometric models to evaluate strategic planning approaches in urban development.
Certified Knowledge Manager Program Communities of Practice Manpower Management Zero Base Budgeting Executive Public Policy Program Management Public Health Senior Management Government Systems Effectiveness Operations Monitoring & Evaluation.
American Telemedicine Association International Society Telemedicine & eHealth Knowledge Management & Intellectual Task Force Operations Research Society Evaluation Society America Knowledge Innovation Professional Organization Development Evaluation Association Society for Public Administration.

John Nomikos
Head, International Relations,

Mr. John Nomikos has done a lot of research on academic-intelligence and national security issues covering Southeastern Mediterranean region (Balkan, Middle East and North Africa). His vision is to make the Research Institute for European and American Studies ( one of the most dynamic Think Tank in the region.
As Head of the IREL, History and Politics at the Webster University (Athens Campus) in charge of administrative work and teaching security, migration issues and energy politics in the Mediterranean and Balkan region. Also focusing his work on the MA GLOBAL Program in the University of Webster (Athens Campus).
John M. Nomikos (PhD) is the Director at the Research Institute for European and American Studies and Chairman of the Mediterranean Intelligence Council (MCIS). He is teaching at the Department of International Relations in the University of Indianapolis (Athens Campus). He earned his Bachelor Degree in Sociology at the Northeast Louisiana University in 1987, his Master’s Degree in European Integration and Cooperation at the University of Hull, 1991, and his Doctorate Diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy at the Washington International University in 2001. He specializes on transatlantic intelligence studies, intelligence reform, and national security architecture. He has done research and studied in various research institutions in USA, UK, Norway, Finland, Germany and Israel.
He is a Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (IJIC); the Advisory Board for the Police, Practice and Research Journal (PPR); Editorial Board of the European Journal of Intelligence Studies (EJIS); Editorial Board of the Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies (JIPSS); International Advisory Board for the World Security Network Foundation (WSN). He is also a Member of the International Association for Intelligence Education and the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals.

Nandi Rameswara Rao
Designation : Dy. CEO
State : Telangana
Guest Faculty : Management Schools.
APSPC : Panel member.
Life member : Hyderabad Management Association.

As a Profit center head & to oversee all the Business operations on day to day basis including the P & L. KRA’s includes focus on profitability by ensuring optimal utilization of resources. Two Decades+ of Rich & Varied experience in Marketing & Sales, Business Development, Joint Ventures, Consultancy, and Strategic Planning etc. Expertise in establishing strong & innovative marketing communication, Deciding Pricing & Brokerage policies, overseeing the Purchase, Contracts, Projects. Approve department operational procedures, In-house trainer etc.
New Project Launches, Design, Develop & Implement Business Strategies to maximize Revenues, Build, Lead, Mentor cross functional Teams, MIS, Prepare & Administer Budgets, Liasoning, Negotiations, Variance analysis, Strict Credit Control, Keeping abreast of Competitors, Market Intelligence, Monitoring & Managing Brokers / International Property Consultants, General administration.
Carry in depth knowledge of Real Estate, understand & manage client expectations, Analyze, Contribute in developing short & long term plans for the business. Interacting with Architects and Project consultants from conceptual stage to decide the Real Estate mix, Promotion & presentation of Master plan to the Investors, Plan & Monitor progress to ensure time lines, cost control, Record of handling Sales of Multiple projects, Self-motivated, Resourceful & ability to work independently. Working towards the Customer Delight. Promote company at Local, National & International levels.

Prof. (Dr.) Onkar Singh
Vice Chancellor
Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology
Gorakhpur (U.P.)

Brief profile of Prof. (Dr.) Onkar Singh at Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur since August 1999. He served as Additional Controller ofExamination at Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow during August 2004 to January 2007 on service transfer basis and made the unique beginning of use of ICT in U.P. Technical University through innovation of OMR cover type answer books for direct capturing of marks & online marks submission for transparency in tabulation, web based college management system for examination related works. Dr. Singh has also been the Vice Chancellor of Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow during 30th April, 2015 to 4th August, 2015 and made remarkable contribution in time bound deliveries, bringing in transparency and rescheduling the University activities during his short stay.
During his academic career of 24 years, Dr. Singh has taught various subjects at UG/PG levels and has authored 4 books, edited 05 conference proceedings and written 06 chapters in different books. He has published 53 papers in International journals, 19 papers in National journals and 92 papers in proceedings of International / National conferences. Dr. Singh has guided 09 Ph.D. students, large no. of Dissertations/Projects at PG/UG level and presently guiding 4 Ph.D. students. He has completed 07 sponsored projects from different agencies of State & Govt. of India. He successfully commercialized ‘Light Weight Motorized Wheel Chair’ and ‘Solar Powered Battery Driven Tricycle’ obtained two patents of these products jointly with Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation (ALIMCO), Kanpur. He also successfully developed compressed air engine and filed for seeking patent of ‘Compressed Air Engine’. He has two National Records for development of air turbine engine for running motor bike – LIMCA Book of Records, March 2014 and as one of the first Indian authors to appear in U.S. text books for the article “The melting of glaciers cannot be reversed with global warming” in February 2015.
Along with being a good teacher Dr. Singh has handled no. of administrative assignments successfully and made exemplary contributions through his dedicated, committed and innovative approach with high integrity.
Major administrative assignments handled are Coordinator, U.P. State Engineering Entrance Examination-2011, Dean of Academic Affairs, Controller of Examination, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, Additional Controller of Examination, U.P.T.U., Lucknow, Assistant Coordinator, Combined Entrance Examination of UP-1994 & UP State Engineering Admission Test -1999.Dr. Singh is Member of the Board of Governor of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and Indian Institute of Technology, BHU Varanasi, Member of Northern Regional Committee, AICTE New Delhi, Member of Governing Council of Ram Manohar Lohia Law University Lucknow, Member of Court of University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Member of Board of Governors, Gautam Budha University, Greater Noida, Member of Governing Council, JUIT Solan and Member of Board of Governors of Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur and U.P. Textile Technology Institute, Kanpur,. Dr. Singh is Fellow of The Institution of Engineers (India), Life Member of Indian Society of Technical Education, Life Member of Oil Technologists Association of India, Member of Indian Society of Heating and Refrigeration Engineers and Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA. Dr. Singh has been the Convener of Board of Studies, Mechanical Engineering, UPTU/GBTU, Lucknow, and Member of Research Degree Committees of no. of Universities, Expert Member of National Board of Accreditation, AICTE New Delhi, and Public Service Commissions. He has organized 12 National/International conferences and 03 short term course/workshop. He is on the editorial board of different International & National journals. He is the recipient of National Scholarship throughout education and has received AICTE Young Teacher Career Award in year 2000, Award of 100 MostInfluential Vice Chancellors-2016, Exemplary Leader Award – Asia’s Education Excellence Award-2016 alongwith Letters of Appreciation for his contributions from his superiors on various occasions in the past. Dr. Onkar Singh, the founder Vice Chancellor of Madan Mohan Malviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur, is the Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Harcourt Butler Technological Institute (HBTI), Kanpur, an Autonomous Institution of Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. He completed his B.Tech. With distinction in 1989, M.E. with distinction in 1991 And Ph.D. in 1999. Dr. Singh started his career as Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering at Institute of Engg. & Technology, Lucknow in May 1991 and served as Lecturer / Senior Lecturer up to August 1999 and as Assistant Professor and Professor of Mechanical Engg.

Dr. K.S. Murthy
Vice Chancellor (Provost)
ITM Vocational University

21 years of successful banking career and 11 years in top management team in securities industry and 10 years in academic environment given an opportunity to learn and unlearn various skills and acquire attributes to cope with the ever changing environment and to manage the challenges from time to time successfully. Over the years having headed Bank branches, Custodial operations, Derivative Clearing operations, Depository related retail services, Finance and Treasury functions gained expertise in people, process, product, and knowledge management areas. In the process, risk containment measures, cost reduction methods were introduced to enhance efficiency in various operations. Proven Institutional/Capacity Building in the Higher Education space and leadership abilities. These attributes establish the track record of successful management and delivery of diverse programs/projects. Currently being the founder Vice Chancellor of Vocational University involved in integrating Vocational component in the Higher Education space.

(South Africa)
Dr. Kenny Netshiongolwe
President and Vice Chancellor (SAFIIT)

Bright and insightful Chairman enthusiastic about applying corporate governance experience to dynamic challenges. Promotes growth and operational improvements as first-rate communicator, organizer and planner. Experienced Chairman well-versed in the nuances of steering discussions without forcing decisions. Expert in procedure and running meetings efficiently. Veteran of corporate and looking to continue to make a positive impact on corporate operations.
Experienced Chairman well-versed in the nuances of steering discussions without forcing decisions. Expert in procedure and running meetings efficiently. Looking to continue to make a positive impact on corporate operations. Skilled Chairman Proficient in driving improvements and maintaining order within the company board of directors. Offering excellent judgment, strong listening skills and a deep understanding of business operations.
Detail-oriented with several years of experience in corporate governance. Proven ability to build relationships and maintain partnerships with top accounts to increase overall productivity and grow profit channels. Expands network connections by effectively determining and meeting customer needs, implementing price models and optimizing inventory control procedures.